The Legend of Zelda (NES) Remake

This is a remake of the first dungeon, "Eagle", from the Legend of Zelda for NES. This was developed over a course of three weeks as the first project of EECS 494 at the University of Michigan. The dungeon was designed to have the authenticity of the original game, with the same weapons, enemies, and mechanics. Aside from the replicating the original game, we were tasked with designing a custom level of our own that employed a new mechanic not seen in the Zelda franchise. Inspired by the thought of making a puzzle game, I thought a dungeon based on using portals to solve puzzles would be a fun challenge to not only make, but also for players as they face interesting challenges in each room.

I used C# with Unity to develop the game. This was a team project so for version control we used Git and for project management we used Atlassian Jira.


  • Arrow Keys to move
  • 'X' for weapon in A slot
  • 'Z' for weapon in B slot
  • 'Space' to switch B slot weapon
  • '4' to exit to Menu

My contribution to the game development consisted of implementing weapons (such as the sword, bow, boomerang, and bomb), player mechanics (e.g. pause on weapon use, switch weapons, grid-based movement), enemy mechanics (e.g. Goriya movement, attack, and knockback), and general game mechanics (e.g. room transitions).